BUFFALO EXPRESSION DATABASE (BuffExDb) is a repository of gene expression profiles derived from RNA-Seq experiments of 76 different tissues from the Bubalus bubalis (buffalo) species. The domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), falls under the family Bovidae and sub-family Bovinae. There are two distinct classifications for water buffalo, namely, swamp buffalo and river buffalo. BuffexDb comprises 2429 RNA-Seq data representing 438 BioSamples from 23 BioProjects analysed using a uniform bioinformatics pipeline. The user-friendliness and flexibility in retrieval of expression values (FPKM/TPM), tissue-specific genes (TSGs) and their functional annotation are the major characteristics of BuffExDb. The gene description consists of 37,164 genes of buffalo annotated using the latest genome assembly (GCA_019923935.1). It is a user-friendly database with seamless navigation and filtering of information, enabling users to examine and visualize the expression levels of each tissue across multiple samples, simultaneously.
BuffExDb empowers researchers with a comprehensive platform to explore tissue-specific gene expression and functional insights, driving discoveries in buffalo biology, disease markers, and enhanced production potential.
RNA-Seq data
Bio Samples
Bio Projects